Become an Assessor with INAB

Implementation of accredited certification to ISO 50001

Implementation of accredited certification to ISO 50001

ISO 50001:2011 Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance for use has been published and has been available from 9th June 2011.

Before issuing certificates to the new standard all conformity assessment bodies (CABs) need to be in a position to demonstrate that they have taken all necessary steps in order to manage the implementation process.

INAB will verify if CABs have carried out the following processes:

Reviewed the differences between EN 16001:2009 and ISO 50001:2011

Provided specific training (in particular to auditors and decision makers)

Provided external communication to certified and applicant clients

INAB will need to evaluate the effectiveness of these processes:

During the next surveillance visit or in the course of other planned visits to CAB premises if this happens before the surveillance visit.


A review of documents submitted to INAB by CABs

It is the responsibility of the CAB to decide whether it chooses to make the transition to ISO 50001:2011 by means of document  review and have this identified on its scope of accreditation following this process, or wait for the next surveillance visit following which the scope of accreditation may be amended.

EN 16001:2009 shall be withdrawn by 26th April 2012 at the latest and after this date all accredited certificates issued shall be to ISO 50001:2011.

The CAB is required to advise their INAB officer as soon as possible which option is preferred and submit relevant documentation or facilitate an onsite visit within 3 months of the withdrawal of EN 16001:2009, i.e. not later than 26th January 2012.

No applications for accreditation of certification to EN16001:2009 will be accepted by INAB following the publication of this transition statement and any applicants currently in the system will be assessed for certification to ISO 50001:2011

If a CAB chooses to proceed by document review, it shall forward the following to INAB:

1.    A documented review detailing the differences between EN16001:2009 and ISO 50001:2011

2.    The updated list of competent auditors and decision makers

3.    Records regarding their training for ISO 50001:2011

4.    Copy of the communication sent to client organisations concerning the transition.

5.    Basic modified documentation, if any (e.g. checklists, procedures…..etc.)

INAB will re-issue a CAB’s scope of accreditation following a successful review of documentation provided to INAB or following successful assessment at a visit.

Please contact your accreditation officer with any queries.