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NACE code changes for Certification scopes

A new EU Council Regulation, 1893/2006, on statistical classification of economic activities (NACE codes, version 2) was published in December 2006 and comes into effect on 1st January 2008 . 

Version 2 is a comprehensive amendment, taking into account changes in world economy since it was last published.  The revised classifications reflect the growing importance of service activities in the economies over the last fifteen years, mainly due to the developments in information and communication technologies (ICT).

NACE codes are used by INAB in scopes of accreditation to specify areas of competence for Certification Bodies.  As a result of the amendment to NACE classifications, Certification Bodies' scopes will be reviewed as part of routine surveillance assessments, to ensure that the scopes of accreditation continue to accurately describe the activity accredited  from 1st January 2008 onwards.   

Further details can be obtained from your Accreditation Officer.