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Tom Dempsey retires from INAB

Tom will retire from INAB, today (28th November 2008) after serving almost forty years in the public service. Seventeen of these forty years were in INAB with the last ten years as manager of INAB.


“I am really pleased that Adrienne Duff is the new Manager of INAB as she has a great understanding of the current and future issues for accreditation. I am sure you will join with me in wishing Adrienne every success in her new role and that you will give her the support and encouragement that you so kindly gave to me as manager of INAB.

I would like to sincerely thank all the colleagues that I met over the years from our accredited bodies, on our Board and within INAB/Forfas for the extraordinary support and goodwill shown to me during this most enjoyable period of my working career. It was a real pleasure to work with you and I wish each of you every success for the future as I look forward to my retirement” – Tom.